Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS)

Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS) - 1Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS) - 2
Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS) - 3


“Coursemat” is a Course Website SAAS

You can use Coursemat to build a multi-tenant course website within minutes.
The main website frontend is Multi-lingual & also RTL supported
You can create unlimited monthly / yearly / lifetime packages, control features for that packages. You can make a package Free, Trial, Premium or only free or only trial or only premium. You can set trial days for trial packages.

Users can purchase this packages & have a user dashboard to create Multilingual course website, unlimited vCards for them. User’s course websites, vCards are also RTL supported. They will also have other cool features like – Payment Gateways, Lesson Content Builder, Enrolment Report, Coupon , Advanced QR Builder, Drag & Drop Menu Builder, Popup Builder etc…. Users can also show their course website, vCards in their custom domain / subdomain ({username}.your_domain_name) / path based URL (your_domain_name/{username})

Coursemat provides 10 automated payment gateways & unlimited offline gateways to collect membership payment – Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, PayTm, Instamojo, Flutterwave, Paystack, Mercado Pago,

Admin can also use some more cool features like – Drag & Drop Menu Builder, Popup Banner Builder etc… for main website

Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS) - 4

 Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS) - 5

Online Documentation:


Main Website & Login Links:

Website Link:
Admin Login:
User / Tenant Login:
Tenant’s Student Login:

Tenant’s Course Website Demo Links:

Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Path Based URL):
Theme 2:
Theme 3:
Theme 4:
Theme 5:
Theme 6:

Tenant’s vCard Demo Links:

Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Path Based URL):
Theme 2:
Theme 3:
Theme 4:
Theme 5:
Theme 6:
Theme 7:
Theme 8:
Theme 9:
Theme 10:

10 Online Payment Gateways for Admin & Tenant (Unlimited Offline / Manual / Bank Available too)

Coursemat - Multi-Tenant Course Selling Website Builder (SAAS) - 6

Main Website & Admin Panel Features

– Multilingual Frontend
– RTL Supported Frontend
– Unlimited Pricing Plans (Free / Trial / Premium) (Monthly / Yearly / Lifetime)
– 10 Online Payment Gateways
– Unlimited offline payment gateways
– Custom Domains Management
– Subdomains Management
– Business Listing Page with Advanced Search
– Base Currency Setup
– Drag & Drop Menu Builder in Admin Dashboard
– Coupon During Registration
– Light & Dark Admin Dashboard
– Home Page Sections Hide / Show
– Base Color Settings
– Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
– Package Features Management
– Packages Management
– Package Upgrade / Downgrade from Admin
– Secret Login to Tenant Dashboard
– Add User From Admin
– Email Templates
– Payment Logs
– Popup Builder with 7 Predefined Templates
– SEO Info Management
– Blogs, FAQ etc all website content management
– Custom Pages
– Registered Users Management
– Maintenance mode
– Admin / Role / Permission Management

Tenant Website & User Panel Features:

– Custom Domain
– Subdomain & Path Based URL
– 6 Tenant Course Website Templates
– Instructors
– Course Management – Course, Modules, Lessons, Lesson Content
– Drag & Drop Lesson Content Builder
– 5 Types of Lesson Contents – Video, File, Text, Code Snippet, Quiz
– Course Certificate
– Course Compliance – enforce video watching & quiz completion
– Coupon for Course
– Course Enrolment Report
– AWS S3 Storage
– Registered Users
– Secret Login to Student Dashboard
– Advertisements
– Announcement Popups
– Maintenance Mode
– 10 Online Payment Gateways
– Unlimited Offline Gateways
– 10 vCard Templates
– Light & Dark Dashboard
– Advanced QR Builder to generate QR Code for any URL
– Saved QR Codes Management
– Multilingual vCards & RTL Support
– Multilingual Tenant Website Frontend
– RTL Supported Tenant Website Frontend
– Ecommerce feature for Tenant
  —Categories Management
  —Subcategories Management
  —Items Management
    —Physical Product
    —Digital Product
  —Orders Management
  —Unlimited Vartions of Items
  —Stock Management for Items
  —Variation-wise stock Management
  —Flash Sale
  —Invoice Generate & Mail
  —Product Rating
  —Shipping Methods with Shipping Charges
  —Rating Enable / Disable
  —Shop Enable / Disable
  —Products search page
- disqus, whatsapp, AWS
– Package Purchase, Membership extend
– Base Color Settings
– Logo, Favicon etc… Upload
– SEO Info Management
– Hide / Show Home Sections
– Drag & Drop Menu Builder
– Custom Page Management
– FAQs, Blogs, etc… Management
– Followers / Followings

Admin Workflow:

– Add Languages
– Add Packages with Features
– Setup Payment Gateways
– Upload Language wise contents (FAQ, Blogs etc…)
– Manage Users

User Workflow:

– choose a package (premium / trial / Free) (monthly / yearly / lifetime)
– register & checkout
– verify email & login to dashboard
– add languages
– setup color, favicon, logo etc…
– Upload Course Content
– Setup Payment Gateways
– Sell Course & Earn Money

Server Requirements

Built with Laravel 9.39.0

- PHP >= 8.0.2
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Imagick Extension
- GMP Extension
- Imagick Extension


- Ecommerce feature for Tenant    -- Categories Management    -- Subcategories Management    -- Items Management      -- Physical Product      -- Digital Product    -- Orders Management    -- Unlimited Vartions of Items    -- Stock Management for Items    -- Variation-wise stock Management    -- Flash Sale    -- Catalog Mode    -- Wishlists    -- Cart    -- Checkout    -- Invoice Generate & Mail    -- Product Rating    -- Coupon    -- Tax    -- Shipping Methods with Shipping Charges    -- Rating Enable / Disable    -- Shop Enable / Disable    -- Products search page - Token Based Stripe checkout added


- 3 More Course Themes - Set Course, Lesson, Module Duration Manually - Secret Login Added in Tenant & Admin Dashboard - FIXED: Storage Calculation Issue Fixed - FIXED: Social Share Popup in Vcard Issue Fixed - FIXED: Missing Language Keywords of vCard - FIXED: Active Pricing Plan Loading Issues in 'Buy Plan' Page - FIXED: removed unnecesary button from maintenance page - FIXED: hamburger menu coloring issue in dashboard light version - Some untracked issues fixed - Some untracked changes


- Laravel version upgraded to 9.39.0 - Folder Structures changed to enhance security - Upgraded all 3rd party composer packages - Upgraded all security patches - Image validation added in tenant's edit profile page - Fixed Templates issue in vCard Create page - Fixed Newsletter issue in footer - Fixed Tenant's student registration issue - Fixed course enrolment with offline gateway issue - Free course enrol issue solved - AWS issue fixed for invoice in 'purchase history' page - Add user from Admin Dashboard issue fixed - Fixed preview course issue for Tenant - Cron job issue fixed - Fixed tenant's student's paypal payment issue - Fixed type in validation message of lesson video upload


Initial Release

License Option
Quality checked by Digital Vyapar Seva
Future updates
Free support


29-06-2024 12:52 PM



meenakshi29's items

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