DoctorPro – Doctor Appointment App Template in Ionic
DoctorPro is a Ionic doctor appointment booking App template. User can book appointment of doctor, find lab and also find doctor by specialities with DoctorPro app template. DoctorPro developed using Ionic. That means that template is compatible for both Android and iOS. In this app Animation added, clean code, well formated, easy to understand and much more. I don’t have word for describe. So, please install our android demo app and check all features by your self.
The awesome looking app can be used for both Android and iOS platforms. It is optimized coded and easy to customize.
What you will get?
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Free updates & reliable customer support
We are constantly adding new features to our template, and this app template will not be an exception. Since all the future updates will be free of charge once you purchase the license, rest assured that you will not be denied any new feature we come up with.
Refund Policy
If you have any kind of problem then please comment it or you can get our email address in documentation. We will solve it as soon as possible.
v1.0 – (12/12/2021)
- Initial release
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