“Kids Preschool” is an educational app help your children to learn basic tracing starting from alphabets, shapes, colors, animal, birds, flowers, fruits and many others. Your child will improve his skills and helps to develop his memory. It is one of the best way to teach kids their first ABC’s and 123 numbers is through fun ideas that are educational and entertaining!
Note: The kids app doesn’t support ads. If you want to run ads, then you have to target a 16+ age audience.
Special Features:
What You Get:
Software Version:
Changelog & Update History
Version 2.0 (12/01/2024)
- Update Kotlin version 1.9.22 - Update all libraries - Update deprecated some code
Version 1.10 (18/07/2023)
- Changed YouTube Player - Upgraded to latest gradle, and Targeted SDK 34
Version 1.9 (02/06/2023)
- Updated Library SDK
Version 1.8 (08/11/2022)
- Update Android SDK Version 33 - Update Library
Version 1.7 (11/05/2022)
- Age Group in play console for ads bugs fix
Version 1.6 (11/03/2022)
- Support Android 12 - Update Library
Version 1.5 (15/09/2021)
- RTL Support
Version 1.4 (25/08/2021)
- Fixed crash issue in android 9 database.
Version 1.3 (19/08/2021)
- Full ad implement on category click
Version 1.2 (10/08/2021)
- Decrease voice level of speech-to-text
Version 1.1 (04/08/2021)
- Remove Ads from Youtube Screen
28-06-2024 12:30 PM
High Resolution:
YesFiles Included: