Volunteer Management Software - GForce

Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 1Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 2Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 3Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 4Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 5Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 6Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 7Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 8Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 9Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 10Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 11

Now powered by Laravel 11!Detailed User Guide!

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Volunteer Management Software - GForce - 12

GForce is a powerful volunteer engagement software that streamlines your organization’s processes and boosts productivity. With this application, you can easily manage groups and memberships, making it simpler than ever to keep track of your volunteers. You can also easily train your volunteers with our advanced built-in learning management system (LMS) and computer based testing features. Our event roster and task scheduling feature comes with built-in reminders, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Share resources effortlessly and stay connected with announcements, internal messaging, and forums. Never miss an important date with our birthday and anniversary reminders. Take your volunteer management to new heights with GForce!




Group Admin




Group and Membership Management
Easily create and manage groups. Assign members and group admins. Group admins can view applications to join groups and approve or deny them. Group Members can be grouped into Teams for easy messaging and planning.


Event Roster & Task Scheduling
Group Admins can plan activities for group volunteers for upcoming events. Automatics reminders are sent to volunteers days before their shifts. Volunteers can opt out of shifts.


Volunteer Training and Testing
Create online courses and tests in order to train your volunteers. Keep track of student progress. Issue certificates upon completion. Assign courses to particular groups or make them general. Create multiple choice tests for volunteers to take after course completion. Tests can also be make public for general testing without courses


Resource Sharing
Members can easily create downloads to share resources with other members. Each download can contain multiple files and be downloaded individually or as an archive.


Internal Messaging System
All users can send messages internally. The system has a local inbox and sent messages folder. Messages are also delivered via Email to recipients. Messaging supports uploading attachments securely. Administrators can easily send messages to entire groups at once.


SMS Messaging
Administrators can setup an SMS account on the system. We support multiple SMS gateways. Administrators can group administrators can send messages to members all from this single account. Administrators can enable or disable SMS ability for individual groups.


Group Forums
Group Members can create discussion topics in the forum. Replies to topics can include attachments.


Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Reminders
Easily view all upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. Group members can also get notified about upcoming birthdays and anniversaries


Supports Multiple Languages
GForce supports 18 language out of the box! New languages can be easily added



Try out the live demo of the application here: http://gforce.intermaticsng.com
The Demo homepage has the login details for Administrator, Group Admin, and Member roles.

Changle log:

Update 7th June 2024 - Added setting to enable a captcha on the registration form Update 22nd April 2024 - Upgraded to Laravel 11 Update 6th Feb 2024 -Fixed missing language entries and Zoom integration bug Update 1st Feb 2024 -Fixed bug with the localization page Update 20th Oct 2023 -Added volunteer training features Update 6th Oct 2023 - Added notification settings for users - Added option to disable or enable volunteering for events - Added timezone setting - Added birthday and wedding anniversary features - Added pinning feature for forum, downloads, and announcements - Added option to close forum topics - Added event reports - Added event comments - Added announcement comments - Added ability to flag content - Added contact page Update 27th Sep 2023 -Upgraded mass mailing feature to ignore invalid mails Update 15th Mar 2023 -Upgraded to Laravel 10 -Changed messaging to send emails to individual recipients Update 13th Mar 2023 -Added support for unspecified gender. -Updated non-English language files to fix wrong translations. Update 24th Feb 2023 -Landing page redesign -Unified dashboard -New messaging area -Dedicated roster event page Update 18th Jan 2023 -Fixed bug with accented characters in text Update 23rd Aug 2022 -Fixed gallery display bug -Fixed email settings bug Update 15th June 2022 -Fixed bug with custom email settings Update 6th May 2022 -Upgraded to Laravel 9 -Added event duplication feature -Added feature to enable group members volunteer for event shifts Update 16th December 2021 -Fixed bug with group layout page. Update 9th July 2021 -Upgraded downloads feature -Fixed missing translations Update 29th March 2021 -Enabled specifying of upload whitelist in .env file Update 10th Mar 2021 -Change 'Groups' to 'Groups' -Fixed layout issue on login form -Added clickable urls in user profile text -Added custom fields to profile edit Update 21st Jan 2021 -Upgraded to Laravel 8 Version 2.3 - December 15th, 2020 -Fixed deprecation notice in PHP 7.3 and above Version 2.2 - November 5th, 2020 -Fixed member field page layout. Version 2.1 – July 17th, 2020    - Fixed bug with sending message Version 2.0 – July 9th, 2020    - Completely new Bootstrap 4 user interface    - Upgraded to Laravel 7    - Major bug fixes Version 1.2 – Feb 28, 2020    - Added social login   - Upgraded to Laravel 6 Version 1.1 – Sept 23, 2019    - Fixed some XSS vulnerabilities Version 1.0 – August 20, 2019    - Initial Release

License Option
Quality checked by Digital Vyapar Seva
Future updates
Free support


29-06-2024 12:34 PM



meenakshi29's items

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